Here’s Your Ultimate Guide To Air Purifier Filters
Air purification systems have become an integral part of every household, given good quality air is essential for staying healthy. What does an air purifier do? Simply put, it purifies the surrounding air by removing harmful pollutants invisible to the naked eye.
Pick any of our commercial grade air purifiers, and you can be assured that it will deeply cleanse your indoor air, getting rid of unwanted substances that are a health hazard, from allergens to toxic gases.
The filter used in an air purifier does all the work. How much do you know about it? Here’s your 101 to air purifier filters:
Let’s start with the types of air filters.
HEPA Filter– HEPA filters are the most popular because of their long lifespan and high efficiency. It traps 99% of all pollutants and allergens, including pollen, pet dander, smoke, household dust, mold spores, and other toxic particles in the air. As it effectively traps even micron-sized particles, it is the first choice of medical centers and high-risk industries.
Developed during WWII, HEPA filters were used to trap radioactive aerosols. Since then, these air filters have evolved and are now available to household consumers.
Carbon Filter– Carbon filters are good at absorbing odors and fumes. It, however, does not trap pollen, dust mites, and certain other pollutants. Additionally, to efficiently filter the air, a large carbon filter is required.
Ionic air purifier– A widely preferred alternative for air filtration is ionic air purifiers. These systems use negatively and positively charged ions to remove volatile components and bacteria and mold circulating in the surrounding air. But you may have to invest in several units to cover a large space.
What happens to the surrounding air quality when you use an air filtration system?
Air purifiers improve the quality of air by targeting toxic gases, unwanted particulates, and harmful allergens.
You should choose a commercial grade air purifier depending on the location and requirement of your household. For example, if your residence is located closer to urban highways, the surrounding air will contain more pollutants; you should invest in a high-capacity air filter. If someone in your family is allergic to pollen, you should change the air filter during Spring and Summer to optimize performance.
How frequently should you change the filters?
An important factor affecting the lifespan of your air filter is usage. Some filter change indicators to be on the lookout for are:
Visible dust layers on the filter
Aggravation of allergies
Excessive dust on countertops and floors
Breathe fresh and clean air with the best commercial air purifiers by Alpine Air Products. If you need help choosing the perfect air purification system, our experts will assist you.